
“I remember when…

I believe that…

I hope for…”

Lasting Voice. Preserving and Celebrating the Memories of our Loved Ones for Generations to Come.

Jews are guardians of memory.

One of the beliefs we share is how deeply we value the experience and wisdom of those who came before us. Their life stories are a gift we have received and need to pass on – not only to families and descendants, but to others who would be enriched by them.

But as priceless as these memories are, most of us do little to preserve them. Over time the sound of our voices will fade. Our stories will be re-told with less richness and frequency. Our obituaries will mention some of the things we did in life, but not who we actually were.

Your Lasting Voice recording is an opportunity to look back on your life and send a message about who you are, and the lessons that helped guide your life, to your family in the future.

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